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virtual talk on the topic of “Student Developer Clubs, Flagship Hackathons, and Open Source Development”.

On 12th January 2023, the Code Troopers Club of SMVITM organized a virtual talk on the topic of “Student Developer Clubs, Flagship Hackathons, and Open Source Development”. The speaker for the talk was Vinayak Gavariya, Google DSC Lead at SDSF, who shared valuable insights and information on the topic.

The talk began with an introduction to student developer clubs and the importance of being a part of such clubs. Vinayak highlighted the benefits of joining a student developer club. Then discussed the concept of flagship hackathons and how they can be beneficial for students. He also discussed the importance of participating in hackathons to build connections and learn new skills.

The speaker also touched upon the topic of open-source development and the benefits of contributing to open-source projects. At the end the speaker shared tips on presenting their work and make connections in the industry by being part of platforms like Google Student Developer Club, Microsoft Student Developer Club, MLH, GitHub.

The talk was well received by the audience and provided useful information for students interested in pursuing a career in the field of software development. The event was coordinated by Mr. Yajnesh of final year. The speaker was introduced to the audience by Ms. Chandana of third year and the vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Shridhar of third year.

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