The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of SMVITM, in association with ISTE Student Chapter organized a Technical Talk on “Lab-View and its Applications in Engineering” by Mr. Sunil Kumar V, Managing Director, VI Solutions, Bengaluru on 20 August 2016. The students of fifth and seventh semesters ECE attended the talk and enhanced their knowledge.
Mr. Sunil Kumar highlighted about Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench, how to write a program, execute and debug in Lab-View with interesting examples of Talking Tom, creation of abnormal signals, AM waveforms and animations. He also focused on some academic projects like robotics, how to sort out different color pencils in pencil industry and how to know the strength and structure of music.
Apart from this, Mr. Sunil also created awareness among the students to bridge the gap between industry and academics, and to know about job opportunities in public and private sectors. He also suggested the importance of certified course on Lab-View which will be very useful for the students to excel in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering and get placed in core companies. The entire session was enthusiastic and knowledgeable with lot of demo examples.
Earlier, (Dr.) Nagaraja Rao, Associate Professor with the department of ECE, welcomed Mr. Sunil Kumar with a flower. Ms. Parvathi Pai, a student of fifth semester ECE, compered the program.