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Peer Learning Workshop on Arduino

Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology & Management (SMVITM), Bantakal organised a “Peer Learning Workshop on Arduino” for first year engineering students on 12th January 2022. The event was organized by the Co-curricular committee of SMVITM. Mr. Sooraj, Ms.Sinchana ,Mr. Tejas, Mr.Shamith Joshi & Mr.Vignesh Kudwa from 7th semester CSE as well as Mr.Alic Ferdinand , Mr.Srivathsa, Mr. Vineeth Nayak & Ms. Niharika  from 7th semester ECE were the resource persons for the event.

Ms.Renita Sharon Monis, welcomed the gathering and briefed about the significance of the peer learning session.

The trainers  Ms.Sinchana ,Mr. Tejas, Mr.Harish, Mr. Alic Ferdinand,Mr.Vineeth,Mr.Shamith  & Mr.Yajnesh gave the participants significant insights on the basics of Arduino, LED single and multiple blinking explanation & hands on. They also taught the participants about Arduino ultrasonic buzzer, Arduino flame detector buzzer & Arduino Servo and gave some essential tips to do projects. They also described the project that the participants would finally be able to build after learning about the topic.

There were around 68 enthusiastic participants throughout the session.

Ms.Reena Kumari, First year coordinator distributed the certificates to the resource persons & participants.

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