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Guest lecture on the theme “Creating Change”

In a captivating event held during the orientation program of MBA at SMVITM, Mr. Jagdish Acharya, former CEO of Asian Paints and esteemed Governing Council Member of SMVITM, delivered a compelling guest lecture on the theme “Creating Change” on 18th February, 2024. Dr. Suraj Francis Noronha, Director – MBA, SMVITM, introduced the distinguished guest, setting the stage for an enlightening session attended by MBA students eager to gain valuable insights into leadership and innovation.

Throughout the lecture, Mr. Acharya emphasized the significance of courage, confidence, and purpose in driving meaningful change. Drawing from his extensive experience in the corporate world, he highlighted the importance of creating value in every endeavor and encouraged students to embrace their roles as change agents.

Key takeaways from the lecture included:

  • Courage and Confidence: Students were encouraged to overcome shyness and embrace confidence in their actions and decisions.
  • Creating Value: Mr. Acharya stressed the importance of creating value in all aspects of life and career, emphasizing that it is the key to success.
  • Leadership vs. Management: A distinction was made between leadership, which involves managing change, and management, which deals with complexities.
  • Purpose and Communication: Purpose-driven action and effective communication were highlighted as essential skills for success in both personal and professional endeavors.

The lecture left students motivated and inspired, with many expressing gratitude for the valuable lessons learned. Attendees gained insights into setting goals, improving communication skills, and cultivating confidence in their abilities.

As the MBA students embark on their academic journey at SMVITM, they carry with them the wisdom shared by Mr. Jagdish Acharya, ready to embrace challenges, drive change, and make a positive impact in the world of business and beyond.

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