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Guest Lecture on “Career Awareness Program”

ISTE Student Chapter, in association with the department of E&C Engineering, conducted a Guest Lecture on the topic “Career Awareness Program”, on 25th Feb 2016 in the college premises. Mr. Arun John Matthias from Sandeepani School of Embedded System, Bengaluru, was the resource person. All the students of the Final year & Pre Final year E&C Engineering, office bearers of ISTE student and faculty members attended the talk and interacted with the resource person.

Mr. Arun, started the talk with giving a brief statistics on the current employability status of engineering students. He highlighted the growth of VLSI and Embedded industry, which has increased demand for fresh engineers. His talk also focused on the recent industry trends in core engineering field. He listed down more than fifteen roles/designation currently being practiced in the core companies; their skill set requirement, companies name, job responsibilities etc and explained the career growth ladder. Mr. Arun emphasized on the importance of right mix of knowledge, attitude and additional skills for a successful career. The talk provided the students a platform for sharing their thoughts and was endowed with proper guidance regarding all the aspects of career in core VLSI & Embedded field.

Earlier, Prof. Dr. A Ganesh, Dean Academics of SMVITM, welcomed the resource person with a flower bouquet. Prof. Dr. Balachandra Achar, HOD of ECE department welcomed the Dean Academics. A Brief introduction of the resource person was read by Ms. Manasa Shetty 8th Sem ECE student and at the end Mr. Nagaraja Rao, Associate Professor of ECE department presented a memento to the speaker. The program was compered by Ms. Manasa Shetty , of Final Year ECE.

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