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Alumni Talk by Mr. Sanjay J

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The alumni interaction activity by Mr. Sanjay J (2014-2018 CVE Batch) was arranged by the Department of Civil Engineering in association with Alumni Cell and ISTE Student chapter on 11th October, 2019 to final year students of Civil Engineering Department.

Mr. Sanjay, Project coordinator, PERI India Pvt. Ltd. begun with his emotional attachment with the campus and his reality check on the field. He went for an internship at PERI construction the very next day he got graduated there he went through training for one and a half months.

He guided students about construction industry in India, Qualifications of a good civil engineer, Campus placements, and availability of jobs in construction industry, Exam preparation tips and how to face exams easily. He also elaborated about the various career streams available after graduation such as Private, Government and public sectors, Higher education options as MBA, M.Tech, research options etc.

He later added on about how confident should be a candidate when it comes to campus interviews and walk in interviews. Guest finished of his inspiring talk with some key points

1. Keep your basics strong.

2. Maintain discipline on the field.

3. Work as a team with your project partners.

4. Always safety and quality should be your priority.

5. Never get demotivated when you don’t make it in campus placements.

6. Follow your goals and be determined.

Mr. Madhusoodhan Rao welcomed the gathering, introduced speaker to the audience and presented the memento to the Guest speaker. Mr. Roshan S Kotian and Mr. Madhusoodhan Rao, Assistant professors and Department Alumni coordinators, Department of CVE, coordinated the event.


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