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Student-Alumni interaction activity at SMVITM, Bantakal

The Alumni Cell of Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal in association with Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized an Student-Alumni interaction activity by Ms. Laxmitha Pai  on 13 November,2021 at 12.00PM.

She was a student of batch 2014-2018 Computer Science and Engineering. Ms. Laxmitha Pai  is currently working as Cloud Associate, Niveus Solution Pvt.Ltd. Udupi. She was an intern at Dell for one year during her masters.   She gave an overview of internships, its importance and also on how to select the internships. She advised not to go for paid internships where students need to pay to the company for providing internship.

She opinioned that, long term internship say two or more months would be really helpful over short terms internships. She also told that, long term internships may get converted into recruitment in the same company.

Mr. Venugopala Rao A.S, Assistant Professors(Sr.) welcomed the gathering and introduced speaker to the audience. Ms. Ramyashree Assistant Professor and Mr. Venugopala Rao A.S, Assistant Professors(Sr.) and Department Alumni coordinators, Department of CSE, coordinated the event. Head of the Department Dr. Nagaraj Bhat, faculty members of the department and students of SMVITM attended the event.

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