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Guest Talk on ‘Signal and Systems’ and Control Systems

Department of E & C Engineering in association with ISTE Student Chapter organized guest lectures by Prof. Narayana Iyer on the topics of Signals & Systems and Control Systems, on 19 and 21 Feb 2019 respectively. The students of 2nd year ECE attended the lectures and increased their knowledge about the topics.
Dr. Iyer with his vast teaching experience at NIT Durgapur and NMAMIT Nitte taught the basics of Signals & Systems and Control Systems to the students in very effective manner. Faculty members Mr. Nagaraja Rao, Mr. Raghavendra Rao, Ms. Shareen Noronha and Ms. Rajashree Nambiar also attended the lectures. Mr. Nidish Suvarna introduced the guest speaker to the audience and welcomed him. HOD Dr. Balachandra Achar thanked and presented a memento to Professor.

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