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Alumni Talk by Mr. Namdev Nayak

The Student-Alumni interaction activity by Mr.Namdev Nayak (2014-2018 CSE Batch) was arranged by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Alumni Cell on 05 August, 2020. The students of SMVITM were the beneficiary of this program.
Mr.Namdev Nayak is currently working as Associate Software Engineer,Uttunga Technologies,Bengaluru. He shared his experience about working in Uttunga Technologies.He briefed about the work culture and different levels and how to progress in Corporate life and activities. Also he talked about current trends and importance of grabbing the opportunities wherever possible.
Speaker gave suggestions on how to apply for any companies and also talked about etiquette to be followed while appearing for interviews. He briefly described about Robotics and IoT, also explained about the importance of Resume and LinkedIn Profile. Pros and Cons of Freelancing were discussed in the session.
He gave some tips for attending Interview and gave the idea about technological world. Queries of the students were answered by the speaker at the end of the session.
Ms. Ramyashree welcomed the gathering and introduced speaker to the audience. Ms. Ramyashree and Ms. Deepthi G Pai, Assistant professors and Department Alumni coordinators, Department of CSE, coordinated the event.

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