Civil Engineering
About Department
The Civil Engineering Department has been in existence since the inception of the Institute during the academic year 2010-11 with an intake approval of 60 students. The Department has got a highly qualified team of faculty members having rich experience within academia and industry. The Department is committed to provide quality education and produce competent
“To impart a quality holistic education and consultancy, in civil engineering with integrity, societal benefit, ethical standards and sustainable development.”
- To provide a value added education to make the civil engineers to address the complex and multi- faceted Civil Engineering problems.
- To improvise the industry and institute interaction by interdisciplinary research.
- To provide the necessary holistic education to be a leader, planner, decision maker, structural designer, constructor and operator of the built environment.
- FDP on “Water Resources, Geo- Environmental Challenges and its Application” - March 2018/06/12 to March 2018/06/14
- VIRTUAL CONFERENCE “ICETSE-2020” - March 2020/07/10 to March 2020/07/11
- Awareness Program for Farmers - March 2020/11/21 to March 2020/11/21
- Graduation Day - March 2020/12/13 to March 2020/12/13
- National Conference on “Advances in Civil Engineering” - March 2021/07/05 to March 2021/07/06
American Society of Civil Engineering defines Civil Engineering as the profession, in which a knowledge of the mathematical and physical science gained by study, experience and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize economically the materials and forces of nature for the progress of well-being of man.
The Civil Engineering Department has been in existence since the inception of the institute during the Academic year 2010-11 with, an intake of 60 students. The Department has got a highly qualified team of faculty members having rich experience within the academia and industry. The Department has set up state–of–the–art laboratories with all modern equipment in specialized areas to meet the needs of students as well as R&D and consultancy works that are on a par with institutions of repute in different fields of civil engineering. The department invites eminent personalities academicians from prestigious institutions industries to deliver quality lectures to the students frequently and has organized various useful workshops which are beneficial to the faculty, students and practicing engineers.
A plethora of opportunities awaits skilled professionals from civil engineering in the future and the scope of civil engineering is huge With the booming population and increased demands of sustainable infrastructure in the form of high-end road and railway network, better water supply arrangements and concept buildings, the right skill set on you, show new scope in your civil engineering path. This job is called “evergreen”. Students enrolling for admission in civil engineering in 2020 can prepare and train themselves with the right skill set to be instantly employed in to high-end national and international projects.
The objectives of the Civil Engineering undergraduate program at SMVITM are to develop civil engineers with the following
5 years down the line after graduation, the graduates should have
- A strong foundation for becoming a technically competent human resource in the broad disciplines of Civil Engineering
- Excel in Civil Engineering profession to meet the challenges of construction industry
- Update and adopt modernization in Civil Engineering with lifelong learning
- Preserve the environment for the society by adopting sustainability in Civil engineering with professional ethics
Graduates of the Civil Engineering program are able to:
PO No | Graduate Attributes | At the end of the programme the student should be able to |
1 | Engineering Knowledge | Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to solve the Civil engineering problems |
2 | Problem Analysis | Identify the problem, analyze, formulate and apply appropriate Civil engineering techniques to obtain the solutions |
3 | Design & Development of Solutions | Design Civil Engineering structures, components or processes by considering public health and safety, societal, sustainability and environmental issues |
4 | Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems | Conduct investigations of problems, search, identify and select relevant information from the literature to provide valid conclusions. |
5 | Usage of Modern Tools | Use modern tools for solving the engineering issues associated with social and professional context |
6 | Engineer & Society | Understand the role and responsibility of a Civil Engineer and apply the knowledge for the development of society |
7 | Environment & Sustainability | Apply the concepts of Civil engineering to minimize the environmental hazards by adopting sustainability in construction activities |
8 | Ethics | Understand and apply professional ethics for the issues relevant to the Civil engineering practices. |
9 | Individual & Team Work | Work as a member of a multidisciplinary project or research teams and have an understanding of leadership in teams and organizations. |
10 | Communication | Produce engineering reports, communicate the thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively. |
11 | Project Management & Finance | Demonstrate knowledge of the civil engineering project management principles and apply them to manage construction projects |
12 | Life-long Learning | Understand the need of engaging in life-long learning to update the knowledge in Civil Engineering field |
PSO-1 | Focus on developing and exposure to alternative/ advanced technologies | Understand, develop and implement state-of-art technologies related to civil engineering |
PSO-2 | Extension of knowledge and testing facilities for the society | Provide solutions to day-to-day civil engineering problems by extending the intellectual knowledge base and the testing facilities for the society |
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