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Dr. Raveendra Rao K. Inspires First Year MBA Students to Build Successful Careers

Dr. Raveendra Rao K., an Associate Professor at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, delivered an invited guest lecture as part of the orientation program for First Year MBA students at SMVITM. The session, centered around “Building Career with an MBA,” took place on February 12, 2024, at the Thinking Lab, Department of Business Administration, SMVITM, Bantakal, Udupi.

Dr. Rao’s insightful discourse resonated deeply with the attendees, who found the session to be enriching and impactful. The feedback from participants highlighted several key takeaways. Students expressed appreciation for Dr. Rao’s focus on enhancing overall personality and soft skills, which they deemed crucial for personal and professional growth. Moreover, they lauded the interactive nature of the session, which facilitated engaging discussions and enabled a deeper understanding of the subject matter. The feedback also underscored the importance of confidence-building, acquiring knowledge about career opportunities, and refining communication skills, all of which were key objectives of Dr. Rao’s session. Furthermore, Dr. Rao’s emphasis on technical skills development, the significance of trading, and the importance of setting clear goals, objectives, and targets resonated strongly with the students, inspiring them to seize opportunities and navigate their career paths with purpose and determination.

In essence, Dr. Raveendra Rao K.’s guest lecture left a lasting impression on the First Year MBA students at SMVITM, equipping them with valuable insights and empowering them to embark on their professional journeys with confidence, knowledge, and a strategic mindset.


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