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TALK ON “How to prepare for interviews”

The department of Computer Science and engineering in SMVITM had organized  an  awareness  talk  on  “How  to  prepare  for  interviews”  for the third year CSE‐B section students on Thursday (06/10/2016 during 12:05  to  1:00  PM).  The  resource  person  was  Mr.  Manoj  T,  Assistant Professor,  CSE  dept. The purpose of conducting this talk was to make the students aware of the placement and training process. Ms. Shinny M Dsouza, (faculty advisor CSE‐5thsem B section) Asst. Professor Dept. of CSE, briefed the students about the purpose of the talk.

The speaker highlighted about key strategies required to crack technical interviews  and  also  emphasized  on  the  continuous  learning, incremental  learning,  peer  learning  are  the  ways  to  succeed  in  the highly  competitive  interviews.  He  also  gave  hints  to  students  for  the effective  usage  of  digital  platforms  to  leverage  the  visibility  of  their resumes.

Dr Vasudeva, HOD, CSE dept and Mr. BN Ramachandra (faculty advisor 5thsem B CSE), Assistant Professor, dept of CSE were present. Ms. Vani V Bhat, student 5thsem B section, proposed the vote of thanks.

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