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Visit to Virtual Reality, Electric Vehicle and Unmanned Arial Vehicle laboratories at Centre for System Design, NITK, Surathkal.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal in association with Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) and ISTE student chapter of the institute has organized a visit to various research laboratories at Centre for System Design, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal on 05 July 2024 for the benefit of 4th and 6th semester students of Mechanical Engineering.

In the morning session, Ms. Shreshta Udupi, Senior Research Fellow at Centre for System Design, NITK has conducted a session on “Introduction to Virtual Labs”. She has briefed regarding how to conduct experiments using virtual labs. Also given information regarding Real Time Labs. Lter, she has conducted hands on session on conduction of materials testing and fluid mechanics experiments using virtual labs.

In the afternoon session, Dr. Pruthviraj U briefed the students regarding various research activities going on at Centre for System Design, NITK. This session is followed by visit to Virtual Reality, Electric Vehicle and Unmanned Arial Vehicle laboratories.

In the conclusion session, the coordinator of Centre for System Design Dr. K V Gangadharan has briefed the importance of virtual labs and distributed certificates to the participants.

Departmental EDC coordinator Dr. Bharath K Bhat, faculty members in the department Mr. Aditya Kudva S, Mr. Sudhir, and Mr. Ananth Mohan Mallya have accompanied the students.

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