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Assistant Professor(Sr.)
    Computer Science & Engineering
    • M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering)
    • B.E ( Information Science and Engineering)
    Internet of Things, Image Processing.
    7 Years 10 Months
    • Internet of Things
    • Image Processing

    Sowmya, Rakshith Acharya, Raksha B Kotari, Shreya S “Multi Doc Parser for scholarship System using Google Cloud Platform” International Journal of Advanced Research in Arts, Science, Engineering & Management, ISSN:2395-7852

    Vandana Nayak, Pranav Nayak , Sampoorna, Aishwarya , Sowmya N H , “AgroXpert-Farmer Assistant” International Conference on Computing System and its Applications , AIT, Bengaluru, India, July 2021.

    Krishna Prasad S, Raghunandan KR ,Gururaj Acharya, Sowmya, “Image Based Crack Recognition on Concrete structures using Convolutional Neural Network” Third International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics-2022, ISBN:978-1-6654-5664-7 .


    AICTE-VTU Joint Teachers training Programme on “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications”, VIAT, Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapura, 13 to 17 march 2023 .

    “UTKARSH” organized by IQAC in association with ISTE Faculty chapter of SMVITM, Bantakal from 28-9-22 to 8-10-22 , 5days fdp.

    UHV Organized by AICTE from 19-9-22 to 23-9-22 .

    “CRYPTOCURRENCY, BLOCKCHAIN &CYBER SECURITY” organized by Department of Commerce and Department of Computer Science, KMM College of Arts and Science, Thrikkakara. 12-9-22 to 16-9-22.

    Amazon Web Services”Organized by the Department of CSE, GMR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, RAJAM in collaboration with BRAINOVISION SOLUTIONS INDIA PVT.LTD, CSI & ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION – AICTE. 22-8-22 to 27-8-22.

    Stress Management from NPTEL IIT karaghpur, from 22-08-22 to 19-9-22 .

    21st Century Skills for Teaching & Learning(CSTL-2022) organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering of GMR Institute of Technology 16-8-22 to 20-8-22.

    “An Overview of Teaching Techniques in Data Science and Analytics” Organized by VTU Human Resource Development Centre, Centre for PG Studies , VIAT, Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur from 25-4-22 to 29-4 22.

    Data Mining NPTEL-AICTE  24-2-22 to 21-4-22.

    Participated and completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning(ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Fog and Edge Computing challenges and Research Directions” from 25/09/21 to 29/09/21 at National Institute of Technology Sikkim.

    “OBE and Engineering Education Research” organized by SMVITM, Bantakal from 25 september 2021 to 07 october 2021

    Sowmya, participated and completed successfully ATAL academy Online Elementary FDP on “Research and Innovation for Growth” from 23/8/21 to 27/8/21 at BNM Institute of Technology.

    Sowmya, 5 -day online FDP on “Emerging Trends in Computation” in association with Cisco Systems(India) Private Limited, Bangalore during 2nd august to 6th August organized by Dept. of CSE,ISE and MCA, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India.

    ENERGY LITERACY TRAINING by Energy Swaraj Foundation on 25-08-23.

    Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Science, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal from 25-3-22 to 26-3-22.


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