• whatsapp +91 9611615001
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  • email info@sode-edu.in
  • CET CODE-E206


Assistant Professor (Senior)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • BE (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
  • M.Tech (VLSI Design and Embedded Systems)
VLSI Design and Embedded Systems
11 Years 7 Months
1 Years
  • participated in DST and Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 powered by AICTE and anchored by NSRCEL @ IIMB and got selected as the member of "The Confederation of Elite Academicians of IICDC"
  • Digital Electronics
  • VLSI Design
  • Embedded Systems


  • PG - Nil
  • PhD - Nil

  1. N. J. Avinash, Hrishikesh R. Patkar, P. Sreenidhi, Sowmya Bhat, Renita Pinto, and H. Rama Moorthy,Toward Intelligent and Rush-Free Errands Using an Intelligent Chariot, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systemsthis link is disabled2022, 209, pp. 511–521.
  2. Sowmya Bhat, Avinash N J, Sandesh Kumar, Kusuma Prabhu, Renita Pinto (2019), Design and Analysis of 8-T and 5-T based XOR and XNOR gates using Soft Computing Tools, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume 7, Issue 8,ISSN: 2278-0181.
  3. Sapthashree, Anvitha S Acharya, Namratha N Rao, Bhagyashree, Carol D’Almeida, Sowmya Bhat, “Arduino Based Low Cost Active Dual Axis Solar Tracker”, IJSER, April 2018, Vol 4, Issue 9,page no. 152-154.
  4. Sandesh Kumar, Arun Upadhyaya, Sachin Bhat, Sowmya Bhat, Vrunda Adkar,”High Speed Data Search Content Addressable Memory using Parity Check Bit”,NCETSE-2018,SMVITM, Bantakal,27th -28th April 2018.
  5. Kusuma Prabhu, Sowmya Bhat,Sachin Bhat, Rajashree Nambiar, Avinash N J,”An Efficient Public Distribution System using IOT,GSM and BAN Technology”,IJERECE-18,Vol 4,Issue 11,page no.84-87.
  6. Renita Pinto, Sowmya Bhat, Kusuma Prabhu, Avinash N.J,”Instantaneous Buck- Boost Converter for Battery Powered Devices”,IJERECE, May 2018.
  7. Avinash N.J,Renita Pinto, Sowmya Bhat, Kusuma Prabhu, Chetan R,”Library Characterization of D- Flip Flop”,ICASET-18.
  8. Sowmya Bhat,Kusuma Prabhu, Aruna M.S, Avinash N.J (June 2016), Design of ARM7 Processor Core With Constraint of Power and Area Consumption Using FSM Modeling and Random Logic Method, International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research, Volume 3, Issue 10, page no. 3705-3717.
  9. Avinash N.J, Sowmya Bhat, (August 2016), A Novel Approach of GSM Based Eco-Friendly Low Energy Consumption Smart Train With Enhanced Features, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering Volume 4, Issue 8, page no. 104-106.
  10. Kusuma Prabhu, Sowmya Bhat, Aruna M.S (June 2016),Secured Health Information Transmission, International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronic and Communication Engineering(IJERECE), Volume 3, Issue 6, page no.186-190.
  11. Sowmya Bhat, Avinash N.J, Kusuma Prabhu, Rajashree Nambiar (September 2016),Design of Area Efficient Binary to Gray Code Converter Using Mentor Graphics,International Journal of Advanced Computing and Electronics Technology(IJACET), Volume 3, Issue 5, 12th September 2016.

  1. Avinash N J, Krishnaraj Rao N S, Rama Moorthy H, Ashwin Shenoy M, Chetan R, Sowmya Bhat, Android App and RFID Based Smart Ration Distribution System, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications, ICMNWC 2021.
  2. Prerana P, Reshma Nayak, Supreetha S Rao, Suvidha, Sowmya Bhat, Design of Low Power Full Adder with Minimum Number of Transistor for Application, International Confercnce On “Global Convergence in Technology, Entrepreneurship, Computing and Value Engineering: Principles and Practices” (ICGCP-2021)
  3. Avinash N J, Chetan R, Sowmya Bhat, Renita Pinto (2020), High Performance Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) Implementation Using ARM Cortex M3, 4th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud organized by SCAD Institute of Technology at Palladam, India, IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-7281-5464-0.
  4. Sowmya Bhat, Avinash N J, Sandesh Kumar, Kusuma Prabhu, Renita Pinto (2019), Design and Analysis of 8-T and 5-T based XOR and XNOR gates using Soft Computing Tools, RTESIT – 2019 organized by Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri.
  5. Avinash N.J,Renita Pinto, Sowmya Bhat, Kusuma Prabhu, Chetan R,”Library Characterization of D- Flip Flop”,ICASET-18,Sri Sairam College of Engineering,Bengaluru,17th – 18th May 2018.
  6. Renita Pinto, Sowmya Bhat, Kusuma Prabhu, Avinash N.J,”Instantaneous Buck- Boost Converter for Battery Powered Devices”,ICASET-18,Sri Sairam College of Engineering,Bengaluru,17th – 18th May 2018.
  7. Sandesh Kumar, Arun Upadhyaya, Sachin Bhat, Sowmya Bhat, Vrunda Adkar,”High Speed Data Search Content Addressable Memory using Parity Check Bit”,NCETSE-2018,SMVITM, Bantakal,27th -28th April 2018.
  8. Sapthashree, Anvitha S Acharya, Namratha N Rao, Bhagyashree, Carol D’Almeida, Sowmya Bhat, “Arduino Based Low Cost Active Dual Axis Solar Tracker”,NCETSE-2018, SMVITM,27-28 Apr 2018.
  9. Kusuma Prabhu,Rajashree Nambiar, Sachin Bhat, Sowmya Bhat, Avinash N J,”An Efficient Public Distribution system using IOT, GSM and BAN technology “,International Conference on Chip Circuitry,Current,Coding,Combustion & Composites,Sri Sairam College of Engineering,Bengaluru,16th November 2017.
  10. Sowmya Bhat, Avinash N.J, Kusuma Prabhu, Rajashree Nambiar, (2016), Design of Area Efficient Binary to Gray Code Converter Using Mentor Graphics, 22nd International Conference on Electrical Electronics Communication Robotics and Instrumentation Engineering (ICEECE 2016), Mysore, 11th September,2016, page no. from-to (if it is published in the conference proceedings).
  11. Kusuma Prabhu, Sowmya Bhat, Aruna M.S, (2016), Secured Health Information Transmission, International Conference on Applied Science Engineering and Technology, Sri Sairam College of Engineering, Anekal- Bengaluru, 6th -7th June,2016.
  12. Sowmya Bhat, (2014), Design of Low Power and Area Efficient Processor Core, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Biomedical Engineering (NCECB-2014),Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Maralur, Tumkur.
  13. Sowmya Bhat, Taranath H.B, (2014) Design of Low Power and Area Efficient Soft Core Processor Using MATLAB Simulink, National Conference on Communication and Image Processing-NCCIP-14, T.John Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, 9th May,2014.

  1. Five days Faculty Deveiopment Deve Program on “Electric Vehicle and Smart Grid’, from 14 to 18h March 2022 jointly
    organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engneering Shri Machwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management Bantakal, Udupi.
  2. Faculty Development Program on “OBE and Engineering Education Research” organized by Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal from 25 September 2021 to 07 October 2021.
  3. Four Day Hands-on Workshop on Latex from 1/7/2020-6/7/2020 organized by SMVITM, Bantakal.
  4. AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Program on Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (Linear Algebra & Probability Basis), from 7/8/2020-13/8/2020 organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte.
  5. AICTE Sponsored Online Short-Term Training Program on Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (Linear Algebra & Probability Basis), organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte from 7th – 13th August 2020.
  6. 5 Day FDP on Research Methodology and Enhancing Teaching Methodologies held at SMVITM, Bantakal.
  7. 1 Day FDP on Leadership Empowerment and Development held at SMVITM, Bantakal on 24th January 2018..
  8. 1 Day workshop on Classroom Teaching Skills held at SMVITM, Bantakal on 3rd February 2018.
  9. 5-Day workshop on PLC SCADA HMI DRIVE Analog Modules held at MIT Manipal from 12th-16th December 2016.
  10. Three-Day Workshop on “Recent Trends in VLSI & Embedded System Design Using Xilinx Zynq -7000 & Mentor Graphics EDA Tools”, held at Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology & Management, Bantakal, organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SMVITM, in association with CoreEL Technologies, Bengaluru, from 11 to 13 July 2016.
  11. Three-Day Short Course in Analog Electronic Design, conducted by Prof. Dr. P R Mukund, Professor at Rochester Institute of Technology USA, organized jointly by ISTE Faculty Chapter and the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SMVITM, during 8-10 January 2016.
  12. One- Day Workshop on Fundamentals of Analog Integrated Circuit Design, conducted by Prof. Dr. P R Mukund of Rochester Institute of Technology USA, and organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SMVITM on 17 June 2015.
  13. Three Day workshop on “CADENCE OrCAD PSPICE/PCB DESIGN-The Analysis and Design of Electronic Circuits and Systems” organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Canara Engineering College in association with Entuple Technologies Pvt.Ltd Bangalore from January 12th to 14th 2015.
  14. Two- Day Workshop on “Microcontroller MSP430 and its applications” organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SMVITM, from 26th to 27th March 2013.
  15. Two-week ISTE Workshop on Solar Photovoltaics:Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications Conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay from 12th to 22nd December,2011.
  16. Attended a workshop on VLSI organized by AMD India Pvt.Ltd at NITK, Surathkal.
  17. Undergone Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) Training organized by the VTU-Bosch Rexroth Centre of Competence in Automation Technology, Mysore from 30th October 2009 to 1st November 2009.
  18. Undergone Infosys Campus Connect Program at KVG College of Engineering, Sullia.
  19. Undergone Faculty Development Training Program at MITK, Kundapura.
email – sowmyabhat.ec@sode-edu.in
Web: https://sode-edu.in/sowmya-bhat/

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