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Assistant Professor (Senior)
    Computer Science & Engineering
    +91 820 2589182, +91 820 2589183. Ext:226,+91 9611615001
    • M. Tech (Computer Science and Engineering)
    • B.E.(Information Science and Engineering
    Computer Science and Engineering
    15 Years 8 Months
    1 year 11 Months
    • First Rank and Gold Medal for being the Academic Topper in Computer Science and Engineering of NMAMIT, Nitte Institute during the period 2013-2015
    • High Performance Computing, Video Processing, Machine learning, Deep Learning

    1. Raju K, Niranjan N Chiplunkar, Sahana Karanth, Multithreaded Implementation of Data Intensive Applications with Overlapped I/O and Computation, National Conference on Parallel Computing Technology, 2015,Published by IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4799-6916-6 2.
    2. Sahana Karanth , Jenishiya Castelino, Nireeksha, Frencita Nazareth, Anvitha K, An Advanced Library Management System Using Android device, International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science ISSN: 2278-2540, Page No. 39-41, Volume VI, Issue IV,Month April,Year 2017.

    1. Sahana Karanth, Raju K, Niranjan N Chiplunkar,”Experimental Evaluation of Effects of Thread Distribution on GPU, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE -2015) 8th 9th May, 2015, ISBN: 978-93-84935-30-6
    2. Sowmya S, Sahana, Vineeth P Nayak,”An Efficient Cryptographic Technique improve the data privacy and Security in E commerce”, International Conference  on VLSI, Signal Processing, Power Electronics, IOT, Communication and Embedded Systems on 19,20th December 2023

    1. FDP on “Technologies for Sustainable Development and Post Covid Challenges” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering of SMVITM, Bantakal from 21-24, Dec, 2020
    2. FDP on Recent Trends in Data Science Application, Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with ISTE Faculty Chapter, SMVITM, Bantakal from 23-27, Nov 2020
    3. FDP on Internet of Things, Institute of Engineering & Technology, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Khandari Agra from 12-16, Oct 2020
    4. STTP on “Basics of strategic Management- its relevance in the present situation”, Internal Quality Assurance Cell of SMVITM, Bantakal from 1 July to 30 Sep 2020
    5. Five Day FDP on Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Engineering  from 10-14 May, 2020
    6. One week-FDP on Artificial Intelligence from 22-26 May, 2020
    7. Five Day FDP on Machine Learning using Python from 25 -29 May, 2020
    8. Five day FDP-Empowering Teaching Skills from 27-31 Jan, 2020
    9. National Workshop on High Performance Computing and Applications from 12-17 Aug, 2019
    10. FDP on Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice
    11. FDP on Introduction to Research
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering
    Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management
    Vishwothama Nagar, Bantakal
    Udupi – 574 115
    Karnataka, India.
    Tel: +91 820 2589182, +91 820 2589183. Ext:226
    Fax: +91 820 2589184
    E-mail id: sahanakaranth.cs@sode-edu.in

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