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Associate Professor
    Computer Science & Engineering
    • BE in Computer Science and Engineering
    • M.Tech in Network and Internet Engineering
    • Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering
    Network and Internet Engineering
    11 Years 5 Months
    1 Years
    • The German Patent received for “Intelligent Gloves for Pressure Measurement and Dermis Health Monitoring” A German utility patent on 15/12/2021 for interdisciplinary invention, titled "Intelligent Gloves for Pressure Measurement and Dermis Health Monitoring" by the DeutschesPatent-und Markenamt in Germany, under Patent# 202021106449.8. The innovation relates to the development of intelligent gloves for pressure measurement and Dermis health monitoring, with the goal of providing patients with better physical treatment and a quicker recovery
    • Security, Machine Learning for malware detection

    1. Dr Sadananda Lingayya, et al. “Dynamic task offloading for resource allocation and privacy-preserving framework in Kubeedge-based edge computing using machine learning.” Cluster Computing (April 2024): 1-17.
    2. Dr Sadananda L, Martis, J. E., Sannidhan, M. S., Pratheeksha Hegde, N (July 2024). Precision sketching with de-aging networks in forensics. Frontiers in Signal Processing, volume – 4, 1355573.
    3. Sadananda L, & Dr. Bolwar Aziz Musthafa, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), Vol.29, No. 9s, (2020), pp. 5298-5307 entitled “SVM based Approach for Detecting Malware in Android using Machine Learning
    4. Sadananda L, & Dr. Bolwar Aziz Musthafa, Journals of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) May 2019, volume 6, Issue 5 UGC journal 2019, presented and published the paper in National Conference entitled as “Review on Analysis of Different Malware types in Android System”.
    5. Published paper titled “Speech converter using Cue symbol for hearing impards”, along with my students, in International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Reserch(IJMTER), ISSN(online): 2349-9745.
    6. Published paper titled “Gas Leakage detection and prediction using IOT” in International journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC), Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2019.
    7. Published paper titled “Advanced labour finding web and android application”, along with my students, in International Research journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2019.

    1. Sadananda L, & Dr. Bolwar Aziz Musthafa, Journals of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) May 2019, volume 6, Issue 5 UGC journal 2019, presented and published the paper in National Conference entitled as “Review on Analysis of Different Malware types in Android System
    2. Paper presented and received certificate, entitled on “A SVM Classifier based approach for Malware Detection in Android using Machine Learning Technique” in the 2nd International Conference on ‘Sustainable Urban Development, Resources Conservation and Food Security’ hosted from Bearys Knowledge Campus.
    Dr Sadananda L
    Associate Professor
    Department of CSE
    SMVITM, Bantakal
    Ph: 9591964222

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