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Assistant Professor(Senior)
    Electronics & Communication Engineering
    • B.E. (Electronics and Communiction)
    • M.Tech. (Digital Electronics and Communication)
    Digital Electronics and Communication
    12 Years 4 Months
    6 Years 7 Months
    1.5 Years
    • Analog Electronics
    • Digital Electronics
    • Analog and Digital Communication Systems
    • Speech Processing

    • Working as Department Coordinator of Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD, Govt. of India.
    • Working as an Department Coordinator for the Entrepreneurship Development Cell at Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal, Udupi for four years
    • Worked as Department Coordinator, ISTE faculty chapter at Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal, Udupi.
    • Worked as overall coordinator for 5 Days FDP on Electric Vehicle and Smart Grid 2022, at Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal, Udupi.
    • Worked as overall coordinator for Annual Day,Graduation Day,Inter Collegiate Techno Cultural Fest 2023, at Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal, Udupi.
    • Worked as Institutional Sports coordinator for four years at SMVITM Bantankal
    • Worked as Institutional Transport coordinator for three years at SMVITM Bantankal
    • Working as Departmental NBA coordinator of Criterion 6.
    • Working as Departmental NAAC Supporting member of Criterion 1 & 5.
    • Worked as Institutional Publicity Team Member
    • Worked as Team member and various responsibility for Various Institutional Activities like Orientation Day, Avishkara, Manthana, Sports Day etc

    1.  Vinaya Kumar S. R, Sachin Prabhu K, Sandesh Kumar 2017, “SMART AUTOMATED DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM”, IJCESR, Volume 4,  Issue 9, Page No 127-132
    2. Sachin Prabhu , Sndesh Kumar June 2017, “Embedded Electro- Mechanical Bicycle”, IJIREEICE, Volume 5,  Issue 6, Page No 178-183

    1. Sachin Prabhu K, Vinaya Kumar S. R, Sandesh Kumar 2016, “REVIEW ON BATTERY DATA ONLINE MONITORING SYSTEM FOR EV”, ICEECIE, Held in Mysore on 11th September 2016

    1. 5-day online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 16th January to 2oth January 2023.
    2. Five Day FDP on “Electrical Vehicle and Smart Grid”, from 14 to 18 March 2022 at SMVITM, Udupi.
    3. Five Day FDP on “ OBE and Engineering Education Research” on 25/09/2022 -07/10/2021 at SMVITM, Udupi
    4. Five Day FDP on Empowering Teaching Skills held at SMVITM, Bantakal from 27/01/2020 to 31/01/2020
    5. Two Day FDP on VLSI Chip Design and Verifiaction Using Mentor Graphics EDA Tool held at SMVITM, Bantakal from 22/07/2019 to 23/07/2019.
    6. Five Day FDP on Advanced Measurement and Control at MIT, Manipal from 02/07/2018 to 06/07/2018
    7. One day FDP on Class Room Teaching Skills at SMVITM, Bantakal, 03/02/2018.
    8. One day FDP on Leadership Empowerment and Development at SMVITM, Bantakal from 24/01/2018 to 24/01/2018.
    9. Five Day FDP on Research Mrthodology and Enhancing Teaching Methodology held at  SMVITM, Bantakal from 11/12/2017 to 15/12/2017
    10. Six day FDP on Counselling Skills held at SMVITM, Bantakal from 04/12/2017 to 08/12/2017
    11. Three Day FDP on Writing Research Proposal,IPR & Patenting from 31/07/2017 to 02/08/2017 at ACS College of Engineering, Bengaluru
    12. Five Day FDP on Advanced Instrumentation from 12/06/2017 to 16/06/2017 at MIT, Manipal
    13. Three-day FDP on Recent trends in VLSI and Embedded System Design using Xilinx and Mentor Graphics tools from 11 Jul 2016 to 13 Jul 2016 at SMVITM, Bantakal.
    14. Three-day FDP on Analog Electronic Design from 8 Jan 2016 to 10 Jan 2016 at SMVITM, Bantakal.
    15. Six Day FDP on Cipher System from 20/07/2015 to 25/07/2015 at MIT, Manipal
    16. One Day FDP on Fundamentals of Analog Integrated Circuit Design on 17/06/2015 at SMVITM, Bantakal.
    17. Three Day FDP on Advances in  Signal Processing and Its Implementation Using VLSI from 22/01/2014 to 24/01/2014 at PA College of Engineering Mangalore
    18. Two-day Workshop on Microcontroller MSP 430 and Its Applications from 26 th and 27th March 2013 held at SMVITM, Bantakal
    19. One day workshop on Mixed Signal Processing 430 held on 12/11/2010 at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore
    20. Six-day FDP on Trainers Training Programme held at Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore from 09/08/2010 to 14/08/2010

    NPTEL Online Cirtificate Courses

    1. Successfully Completed 16 weeks SWAYAM Online Cerificate Course on Yoga For Stress Management with Elite+Silver Certificate (July-Dec 2023)
    2. Successfully Completed 4 weeks NPTEL Online Cerificate Course on Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice with Elite Certificate(Jan-Feb 2019)
    3. Successfully Completed 4 weeks NPTEL Online Cerificate Course on Brief Introduction to Psychology (Feb-March 2018)
    4. Completed 4 weeks NPTEL Online Cerificate Course on Principles of Modern CDMA/MIMO/OFDM Wireless Communications(July-Sep 2016)
    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management
    Vishwothama Nagar, Bantakal - 574115, Udupi District, Karnataka

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