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Assistant Professor (SG)
    • B.Sc. (Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics)
    • M.Sc. (Mathematics)
    • M.A.(Hindi)
    • PhD
    20 Years 9 Months
    8 Years 9 Months
    • Received gold certificate for NPTEL course on “Interpersonal skills’ held on July-September (8 week course).
    • Secured 5th Rank in B.Sc. 2002-Mangalore University
    • Numerical Methods
    • Linear algebra
    • PDE & ODE

    1. Renita Sharon Monis et.al, (2017), Supersonic flow analysis and evaluation of damping derivative,IOSR-JMCE , Vol.2, pp. 29-36.

    2.Renita Sharon Monis et.al, (2017), Computation of Stiffness derivative for an unsteady delta wing with curved leading edges,International journal of Recent Research Aspects, Vol.4, Issue 4,pp.69-72.

    3.Aysha Shabana,Renita Sharon Monis,et.al,(2017), Estimation of stability derivative of an Oscillating cone in Hypersonic Flow,International journal of Recent Research Aspects, Vol.4, Issue 4,pp.46-52.

    4.Aysha Shabana ,Renita Sharon Monis et.al, (2017), Pressure and its derivative with Respect To Piston Mach number for an Oscillating Cone,IOSR-JMCE , Vol.1, pp.74-78.

    5.Aysha Shabana ,Renita Sharon Monis et.al,Estimation of Stability Derivatives in Newtonian Limit for Oscillating Cone, International Conference on Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, IOP Conf. Series Materials & Engineering. 370(2018)012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/370/1/012061.

    6.Aysha Shabana ,Renita Sharon Monis et.al,Computation of Stability Derivatives of an oscillating cone for specific heat ratio=1.66, International Conference on Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, IOP Conf. Series Materials & Engineering .370(2018)012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/370/1/012061.

    7.Aysha Shabana ,Renita Sharon Monis et.al,The Computation of Stiffness derivatives for an Ogive in the hypersonic flow, International journal of Mechanical & Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD),ISSN(P):2249-6890:ISSN(E):2249-8001, Vol.8, Issue 5, Oct2018,173-184.

    8.Aysha Shabana ,Renita Sharon Monis et.al,Effect of semi vertex angle on stability derivatives for an oscillating cone for constant value of specific heat ratio, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.29), Sept 2018,386-390.

    9.Renita Sharon Monis et.al,An effect of sweep angle on roll damping derivative for a delta wing with curved leading edges in unsteady flow,International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD),ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001,Vol. 9, Issue 2, Apr 2019, 361-374.

    10.Renita Sharon Monis, Aysha Shabana, Asha Crasta, and S. A. Khan, “Effect of Sweep Angle and a Half Sine Wave on Roll Damping Derivative of a Delta Wing” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S3, pp. 984-989, August 2019, DOI : 10.35940/ijrte.B1184.0782S319.

    11. Renita S Monis, Asha Crasta and Khan S. A., “Estimation of Damping derivatives for delta wings in Hypersonic Flow for straight leading edge”, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD),Vol.9,Issue No.5, Oct 2019, pp.255-264.

    12.Renita S Monis, Asha Crasta, Mohammed Faheem and Khan S. A., “Analysis of Damping Derivatives for Delta Wings in Hypersonic Flow for curved Leading Edges with Full Sine Wave,” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology(IJEAT), ISSN:2249-8958, Vol. 9, Issue No.1, October 2019, pp.5457-5466.

    13. Renita S Monis, Asha Crasta and Khan S. A., “Estimation of  Hypersonic unsteady and quasi steady damping derivatives for delta wings at large incidence drives”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST),Vol.29,Issue No.6, Jan2020,pp.6844-6863.

    14.Renita S Monis, Asha Crasta and Khan S. A., “Analytical Estimation of Stability Derivatives of wing with curved leading edges at hypersonic Mach Number”, TEST engineering & Management, ISSN:0193-4120, Vol.83, April 2020,pp.13808-13819.

    15.Renita S Monis, Asha Crasta and Khan S. A., “Recent assessment and analysis of  damping derivatives for delta wings in hypersonic flow for curved leading  edges with full sine wave”, Recent Developments in Engineering,Vol.5,Chapter 10. Print ISBN:978-81-947979-5-1,eBook ISBN:978-81-947979-6-8,September 2020,pp.135-156.

    16.Renita S Monis, Asha Crasta , Khan S. A.ans et.al,Comparative Study of Quasi study and unsteady damping derivatives for delta wings in Hypersonic flow for half sine wave,Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences,92,Issue 1,January 2022,pp.1-8.



    1.National workshop on Analytical and Numerical solutions of Partial differential equations,NITK, , Surathkal,18 – 22 Dec 2017.

    2.National workshop on Computer Applications based on Modern Algebra,MIT,Manipal,01 -04 July 2017.

    3.National workshop on High Speed flows & DAQ,BIT,Mangalore,21 – 23April2017.

    4.FDP on Research Methodology & enhancing teaching methodology, SMVITM,BANTAKAL,11 – 15 Dec 2017.

    5.Workshop on Basics of Mat LAb and its application in engineering mathematics, held in St.Joseph Engineering college, vamanjoor , 17-18 Dec 2018.



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