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Assistant Professor (Senior)
Civil Engineering
  • B.E(Civil Engineering)
  • M.Tech(Transportation Engineering)
•Geo-transportation Engineering and Environmental Geotechniques
12 Years 2 Months
3 Years
  • Awarded with Best paper award tittled Strength characterization of lateritic soil with inclusion of geogrid in National Conference NCACME 2017, held at GSIT.
  • Soil mechanics and Ground Improvement Techniques
  • Reinforced Earth Structures Earth and earth retaining structures

  1. Journal:
    1. Sunil Haldankar,Chethan Kumar NT,Nagraj,B(2016), “Effect of Carbonates on Compaction Behaviour of Lime treated BC Soil treated”,Fly ash Mixtures, Proceedings of International Journal of Scientific Development and Research(IJSDR),2016,Volume-1, Issue-7, page no. 333-337.
    2. Sunil Haldankar,B(2017), “Strength Characterization of Lateritic Soil with Geogrid Inclusion Proceedings of International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE),2017,ISSN:2456-1290.

  1. Conference:International:
    1. Sunil Haldankar,Adnan,kritesh,preston,(2016),Improvement of lateritic soil using eggshell powder and marble dust and its comparison with lime stabilized clay,Proceedings of the International conference ICMCECE-2016 held at Bangalore Technological Institute(BTI) in association with INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND JOURNAL(IRAJ),Bangalore,23 April-2016,ISBN-978-93-85973-77-2.Page no.4-8


    1.  Anushree N,Pooja Jogi,Supriya,B.Radheshyam,Sunil Haldankar (2015), Laboratory Investigation of Lateritic Soil stabilized with Bamboo Leaf Ash, JNANA SANGAMA-2015,Proceedings of VCET Journal of Science, 2nd may 2015, page no. from-to (if it is published in the conference proceedings).ISBN:978-81-930416-1-1
    2. Sunil Haldankar ,Nagraj B, (2016), Strengthening  of Geogrid reinforced lateritic soil as subgrade material for road construction, National  Conference of Advanced Trends in Civil Engineering and sustainable Development.(ATCESD-16), MITE ,Moodbidri,in association with Local CAFET-INNOVA Technical Society,MITE. 26th and 27th February 2016, page no. 87-92
    3. Alfaz,Akshay Kumar,Sunil Haldankar,(2016),”Recent trends in ground improvement techniques”,National Conference of Advanced Trends in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development(ACCESD-16),MITE,Moodbidri,in association with Local CAFET-INNOVA Technical Society,MITE.26TH and 27th February 2016.Page no.99-108,ISBN:978-93-5258-252-5.
    4. Faisal,Yuvraj Javalli,,Sunil Haldankar (2017), New Route Alignment for Agumbe Ghat , section JNANA SANGAMA-2017 National Conference held on 13 May 2017 at VCET,Puttur.

  1. Participated in One Day FDP on”LEAD- Leadership Empowerment and Development” Organized by the ISTE Faculty chapter  held at SMVITM, Bantakal from 24 January 2018
  2. Participated in Three Day FDP on Water Resources, geo-environmental challenges and its Applications( WRGECA-2018) held at SMVITM, Bantakal from 12th to 14th June 2018
  3. Participated in Three Day FDP on Forensics in Civil Engineering Organized by Department of Civil engineering, SJEC Vamanjoor , held from 22 to 124th July 2019.
  4. Participated in Five Day FDP on Empowering Teaching skills  held at SMVITM, Bantakal from 27th to 31st January 2020
email – sunilhaldankar.civil@sode-edu.in
Web: https://sode-edu.in/sunil-s-haldankar/

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