•Geo-transportation Engineering and Environmental Geotechniques
12 Years 2 Months
3 Years
Awarded with Best paper award tittled Strength characterization of lateritic soil with inclusion of geogrid in National Conference NCACME 2017, held at GSIT.
Soil mechanics and Ground Improvement Techniques
Reinforced Earth Structures Earth and earth retaining structures
Sunil Haldankar,Chethan Kumar NT,Nagraj,B(2016), “Effect of Carbonates on Compaction Behaviour of Lime treated BC Soil treated”,Fly ash Mixtures, Proceedings of International Journal of Scientific Development and Research(IJSDR),2016,Volume-1, Issue-7, page no. 333-337.
Sunil Haldankar,B(2017), “Strength Characterization of Lateritic Soil with Geogrid Inclusion Proceedings of International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE),2017,ISSN:2456-1290.
Sunil Haldankar,Adnan,kritesh,preston,(2016),Improvement of lateritic soil using eggshell powder and marble dust and its comparison with lime stabilized clay,Proceedings of the International conference ICMCECE-2016 held at Bangalore Technological Institute(BTI) in association with INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH AND JOURNAL(IRAJ),Bangalore,23 April-2016,ISBN-978-93-85973-77-2.Page no.4-8
Anushree N,Pooja Jogi,Supriya,B.Radheshyam,Sunil Haldankar (2015), Laboratory Investigation of Lateritic Soil stabilized with Bamboo Leaf Ash, JNANA SANGAMA-2015,Proceedings of VCET Journal of Science, 2nd may 2015, page no. from-to (if it is published in the conference proceedings).ISBN:978-81-930416-1-1
Sunil Haldankar ,Nagraj B, (2016), Strengthening of Geogrid reinforced lateritic soil as subgrade material for road construction, National Conference of Advanced Trends in Civil Engineering and sustainable Development.(ATCESD-16), MITE ,Moodbidri,in association with Local CAFET-INNOVA Technical Society,MITE. 26th and 27th February 2016, page no. 87-92
Alfaz,Akshay Kumar,Sunil Haldankar,(2016),”Recent trends in ground improvement techniques”,National Conference of Advanced Trends in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development(ACCESD-16),MITE,Moodbidri,in association with Local CAFET-INNOVA Technical Society,MITE.26TH and 27th February 2016.Page no.99-108,ISBN:978-93-5258-252-5.
Faisal,Yuvraj Javalli,,Sunil Haldankar (2017), New Route Alignment for Agumbe Ghat , section JNANA SANGAMA-2017 National Conference held on 13 May 2017 at VCET,Puttur.
Participated in One Day FDP on”LEAD- Leadership Empowerment and Development” Organized by the ISTE Faculty chapter held at SMVITM, Bantakal from 24 January 2018
Participated in Three Day FDP on Water Resources, geo-environmental challenges and its Applications( WRGECA-2018) held at SMVITM, Bantakal from 12th to 14th June 2018
Participated in Three Day FDP on Forensics in Civil Engineering Organized by Department of Civil engineering, SJEC Vamanjoor , held from 22 to 124th July 2019.
Participated in Five Day FDP on Empowering Teaching skills held at SMVITM, Bantakal from 27th to 31st January 2020