Artificial intelligence, Cyber Security, Cryptography, Information Security
14 Years 9 Months
7 Years 8 Months
Best paper award in ICETE 2013
Best paper award in ICAT 2020
PG - 4
PhD -
Ranjan Kumar H S, Ganesh Aithal, Surendra Shetty, “Group key Generation and Distribution using XOR Vector Space”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Volume 15, Issue 3, 2023, Scopus Indexed, Q3.
Krishna Raj Bhat, Ranjan Kumar H S Udaya Kumara Reddy, “A novel scheme for lossless authenticated multiple secret images sharing using polynomials and extended visual cryptography” in IET Information Security, 2021 Volume 15 , issue 1 , pages 13-21, SCI and Scopus Indexed.
Ranjan Kumar H S, Ganesh Aithal, Surendra Shetty, Multicast communication using different group key managements, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019, volume-8 issue 2, pages2317-2328. Scopus indexed.
Ranjan Kumar H S, Ganesh Aithal, Surendra Shetty,” Insights on effectiveness of secure multicast communication scheme in future wireless network”, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2019, volume-8 issue 4, pages 1159-1167.Scopus indexed.
Ranjan Kumar H.S., Kini S, Akshatha L, Deeksha B.G., “Cheat immune visual cryptography for secure transmission of images “, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019, volume-8 issue 5, pages 1175-1181.Scopus indexed.
Ranjan Kumar H S , Fathima Safeeriya, Ganesh Aithal, Surendra Shetty Ahmed, “A survey on Keyand Keyless image encryption techniques ”, Cybernetics and Information technologies, 2017Volume-17 issue 4, Pages 131-160 SJR=0.170,SNIP=0.425, IPP =0.289.Scopus indexed.
Sudeepa K B, Raju K. Ranjan Kumar H S, Ganesh Aithal “New Approach for video steganography based on Randomization and parallelization” ,Procedia CS, Elsevier, Volume 78, Jan 2016, pp.483-490, SJR=0.30, SNIP=0.75.
Chandrappa S, Dharmanna Lamani, Ranjan Kumar H.S, “Segmentation of Retinal Nerve FiberLayer in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Images using Statistical Region Merging Technique for Glaucoma Screening” in International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) ISBN: 0975 – 8887, pp 32-35, Volume 128 – No.10, October 2015.
Chandrappa S, Dharmanna Lamani, Ranjan Kumar H.S. “Different Clinical Parameters to Diagnose Glaucoma Disease: A Review” in International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 116 – No. 23, April 2015, ISBN: 973-93-80886-37-0.
Ranjan Kumar H S, Shruthi H R, Prasanna Kumar H R (2014). “A Visual Secret Sharing Technique for Secure and Fast Transmission of Image” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN (Online): 2320-9801, ISSN (Print): 3921-3927 April 2014.
Ranjan kumar H S, Sudeepa K B, Prasanna Kumar and Ganesh Aithal (2013). “Enhanced security system using symmetric encryption and visual cryptography” in International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, pp 1211-1219 ISSN: 2231-1963. July 2013.
Akshaya, Ranjan Kumar, H.S., Bhat, D., “A novel method to recognize object in Images using Convolution Neural Networks”, 3 rd IEEE 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ICCS 2019, Vaigai College of Engineering, Madhurai, 15-17 May 2019.
Kelur, S., Ranjan Kumar, H.S., Raju, K, ” Selective Area Encryption using Machine Learning Technique”, IEEE 4th 2019 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), Vellore Institute of Technology, 22-23 March 2019.
Ranjan Kumar H S, Fathimath Safeeriya, Ganesh Aithal, Surendra Shetty. “Image Encryptionbased on Pixel Transposition and Lehmer Pseudo Random Number Generation” 2 nd IEEE Sponsored International conference on recent trends in Electronics, Information &Communication Technology (RTEICT), Venkateshwara college of engineering on 19th May 2017.
Ranjan Kumar H S and Shruthi H R “Image Security Using Visual Cryptography Based on Random Grid Technique and DCT” in International Conference on Emerging Trends In Engineering (ICETE), held at NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte on 15’th May 2014.
Ranjan Kumar H S, Raghunandan K R, Sudeepa K B and Ganesh Aithal.“Efficient Audio encryption algorithm for online application” in National conference on Frontiers and Advances in Information Science and Technology on 23’rd May 2013.
Ranjan Kumar H S, Prasanna Kumar H R, Sudeepa K B, Ganesh Aithal. “A New Visual Cryptographic Scheme Using Mixed Key Generation and Residue Number System based on Chinese Remainder Theorem” in International Conference on Emerging Trends In Engineering (ICETE), held at NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte on 15’th May 2013.