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Assistant Professor
    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    • B. E.
    • M. Tech
    • PhD
    Machine learning, Deep learning, Image processing, and Data science
    4.5 Years 12 Months
    • Deep learning

    Ganesha Prasad, Vijay G. S., & Raghavendra Kamath C, “A Study of Dimensionality Reduction in GLCM Feature-Based Classification of Machined Surface Images,” Arab J Sci Eng, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-023-07854-1 (Q1- I.F -2.9)

    Ganesha Prasad, Raghavendra Kamath C., & Vijay G. S, “A review on conventional and nonconventional machining of Nickel-based Nimonic superalloy”, Manufacturing Review,vol. 10, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1051/mfreview/2023009 (Q2)

    Ganesha Prasad, Vijay G. S., Raghavendra Kamath C. & Harshit Jairaj Hemmady,“Optimization of the tool wear and surface roughness in the high-speed dry turning ofInconel 800’, Cogent Engineering, 2024, 10.1080/23311916.2024.2308993. (Q2, SCOPUS,Impact factor : 1.9, CiteScore : 3.2)

    Ganesha Prasad, Raghavendra Kamath C., & Vijay G. S, “Comparative study onclassification of machined surfaces using ML techniques applied to GLCM based imagefeatures”, Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 62, pp. 1440-1445, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.01.285 (Q3)

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