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Assistant Professor (Senior)
    Electronics & Communication Engineering
    • BE
    • MTECH
    Cryptography and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    15 Years 8 Months
    3 Years 8 Months
    • Successfully completed NPTEL online course “Advanced Linear Control Systems” in 2018 with Gold grade.
    • Successfully completed NPTEL online course “Control Engineering” in 2017 with Elite grade.
    •  Successfully completed NPTEL online course “Cryptography and Network Security” in 2022 with silver plus Elite grade.
    • Cryptography and Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

    1. Ganesh Srinivasa Shetty, Raghu N, Aithal G. Strategies For Secure Data Aggregation In Wireless Sensor Networks And Optimization Issues: A Comprehensive Survey. Journal of Harbin Engineering University.2023
    2. Ganesh Shetty, (2018), Segregation of Cashew Kernel and Areca Nut by Using Advanced Color Sorting Mechanism, International Journal of Sustainable Development Research (IJSDR), ISSN- 2455-2631, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2018
    3. Ganesh Shetty, (2017), Smart Intersection Management System, International Journal of Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE), ISSN- 2321-5526, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2017.
    4. Ganesh Shetty, (2017), Smart Automated Drip Irrigation System, International Journal of Current Engineering And Scientific Research ( IJCESR), ISSN- 2393 8374, Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2017.
    5. Ganesh Shetty, (2015), Disaster Management System Using GSM, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics & Communication (IJIREC), ISSN- 2349-4042, Volume 2, Issue 4, June 2015.
    6. Ganesh Shetty, (2014), Fuzzy Based Design of Parallel Park Assist System Control Strategy, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST), ISSN- 2347-5552, Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2014.
    7. Ganesh Shetty, (2014),  Hybrid Solar System For Horticulture, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management (IJERM), ISSN- 2349-2058, Volume 1, Issue 8, November 2014.
    8. Ganesh Shetty, (2014), A Ground Fault Location Method Using High-Frequency Transient Voltage On Transmission System, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management (IJERM), ISSN- 2349-2058, Volume 1, Issue 9, December 2014.

    1. Ganesh Shetty(2021) Classification of satellite galaxies using machine learning. 3rd international Conference of Emerging technology (INCET-2022).
    2. Ganesh Shetty, (2016), Analysis of Medical Image fusion, 22nd International Conference on Instrumentation, Electrical and Electronics Engineering(ICIEEE), Bangalore, 18th September 2016.

    1. Attended two week on “Signals and Systems” conducted by IIT Kharagpur during Jan 2 – 12, 2014 at Amritha School of Engineering Bangalore.
    2. Attended 1Bworkshop on “Fundamenatals Of Analog Circuit Design ” on 17th Jun 2016 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    3. Attended 3 days workshop on “Analog Electronic Design” during 8th to 10th Jan 2016 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    4. Attended 3 days workshop on “Advances On Embedded Systems-Real-Time Embedded Technology And Applications” during 25th to 27th Jan 2016 at Canara Engineering College, Mangaluru.
    5. Attended 2 days FDP on “Research Avenues In Biometrics And Forensic Science” during 24th and 25th June 2016 at Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore.
    6. Attended 3 days workshop on “Recent Trends In VLSI & Embedded System Using XILINX ZYNQ-7000 And Mentor Graphics EDA Tools” during 11th to 13th July 2016 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    7. Attended two week on “Transformation From Responsible Manager To Successful Entrepreneur” conducted by NITK Surathkal during Dec 12 – 25, 2016 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    8. Attended 1 day workshop on “Leadership Empowerment And Development” on 24th Jan 2017 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    9. Attended 5 days workshop on ”Research Methodology And Enhancing Teaching Methodologies” during 11th to 15th Dec 2017 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    10. Attended 3 days FDP on “Water Resources, Geo-Environmental Challenges and its Applications” during 12th and 14th June 2017 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    11. Attended 5 days FDP on “Research Methodology and Enhancing Teaching Methodologies” during 11th and 15th December 2017 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    12. Attended one week FDP on “Advanced Linear Continuous Control Systems:Applications with MATLAB Programming and Simulink” conducted by NPTEL.
    13. Attended 2 days FDP on “VLSI chip design &verification using Mentor graphics EDA tool” during 23th and 24th July 2019 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    14. Attended 1 days FDP on “Empowering Teaching skills” during 10 June 2019 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    15. Attended 6 days FDP on “Worksop on LATEX” during 23th and 24th July 2019 at SMVITM Bantakal.
    Ganesh Srinivasa Shetty, B.E., M.Tech, MISTE
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
    Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management,
    Vishwothama Nagar, Bantakal - 574115, Udupi District, Karnataka.

    Tel: 0820 2589183

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