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  • CET CODE-E206


Assistant Professor (SG) (in-Charge HoD)
Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • M.Tech (Digital Electronics and Communication)
  • AMIE in Electronics and Communication
Digital Electronics, analog and Digital Communication, Cryptography
16 Years 5 Months
7 Years
  • Worked as resource person and delivered a talk on "Online Teaching Tools" for District PU Faculties held at Jnanasudha PU College on 12/01/2022
  • Worked as resource person and delivered talk on "Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity." held at SMVITM, Bantakal on 09/12/2022
  • Worked as resource person and delivered talk on "Innovative Teaching and Assessment Methods" held at SMVITM, Bantakal on 05/03/2022
  • Worked as Evaluator for "Smart India Hackathon2022" conducted by MoE's Innovation Cell
  • Analog/Digital Communication
  • Digital Electronics
  • Image Processing
  • Cryptography

1. "TOUCHLESS SMART DETOXIFYING UNIT" Sumanth S S, Tripthi Shetty, Vijetha, Vinutha Bhargavi. Sanction Order - 44S_BE_1214/2020-2021.


  • Working as Coordinator of MSME Incubation Centre.
  • Working as Convener of Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD, Govt. of India.
  • Worked as president of Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of MHRD, Govt. of India.
  • Working as an institute Coordinator for the Entrepreneurship Development Cell at Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal, Udupi for five years
  • Worked as Secretary, ISTE faculty chapter at Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal, Udupi.
  • Worked as overall coordinator of Avishkar 2k15, Intercollegiate PU Science exhibition.
  • Worked as overall coordinator of Graduation Day-2018.
  • Working as a Member of the discipline committee for three years.
  • Worked as Departmental NBA coordinator of Criterion 2.

  1. Pavan Acharya, Shishira, Suthesh Bhat, Sahana S, Arun Upadhyaya, “Smart Vehicle Protecting System”, IJSDR, Volume 2,  Issue 6 , Page No 292-295.
  2. Arun Upadhyaya, Vinaya Kumar, S. R, Sandesh Kumar, April 2018, “Deblurring of Shaken Images- A Comparative Study of Various Algorithms”, IJSER, Volume 9,  Issue 4, Page No 178-181.
  3. Aishwarya Krishna, Akarsha P. K, Abhishek M Naik, Lakshminarayana K N, Arun Upadhyaya,  April 2018, “Integrated Water Quality Testing Device”, IJSER, Volume 9, Issue 4, Page No 212-216.
  4. Sandesh Kumar, Arun Upadhyaya, Sachin Bhat, Sowmya Bhat, Vrunda Adkar, April 2018, “High-Speed Data Search Content Addressable Memory using Parity Check Bit”,  IJSER, Volume 9, Issue 4, Page No 200-207.
  5. Arun Upadhyaya, Ankit K R, Kishan G S, Kunder Prafful Appu, Akshaya Acharya, May 2018, ”An IOT Based Smart Bus Ticketing And Tracking System”, IJIFR,  Volume 5, Issue 9 , Page No 9256-9263.
  6. Prajwal, Shashank S Nayak,, Vaishakh, Vikas Pandey, Mr. Arun Upadhyaya, Smart Traffic System, IRJET, Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | MAY 2019, E-ISSN: 2395-0056
  7. Tanusha C Shetty, Swasthi S Shetty, Sanketh S Shetty, Vaishnavi Pai, Mr. Arun Upadhyaya, “Eye Controlled Wheelchair Movement”, IJCESR, ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-7, ISSUE-6, 2020
  8. Shravan, Shreya K, Shwetha Prabhu, Sinchana, Arun Upadhyaya “Image Encryption based on 3D Chaotic Map”, Volume 12, Issue 05, 46-55, May 2023, IJARSE, ISSN 2319-8354

  1. Participated in National Conference on Geospatial Information & Technology Advancement (GITA-2K15) Held at SMVITM, Bantakal.
  2. Vinaya Kumar, Arun Upadhyaya, October 2016, “Online Battery Performance Enhancement and Optimization”, iCRiE-16, HIT, Nidasoshi, 8-9 October 2016.
  3. Participated in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science & Engineering (NCETSE-2K17) Held at SMVITM, Bantakal.
  4. Arun Upadhyaya, Vinaya Kumar, S. R, Sandesh Kumar, April 2018, “Deblurring of Shaken Images- A Comparative Study of Various Algorithms”, NCETSE-2018, SMVITM, Bantakal, 28 April 2018.
  5. Arun Upadhyaya, Shubhrat, Sudharshan, Vinayak, Sriharsha, July 2021, “Baby Monitoring System”, ICGCP-2021, Saptagiri College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
  6. Arun Upadhyaya, Shubha P Bhat, and Ganesh Aithal, “A security-enhanced image encryption and compression using Residue Number System and Discrete Cosine Transform”, 2nd International Conference on Signal & Data Processing (ICSDP 22). VIT Bhopal University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India, (June 10-11, 2022).

  1. “Cipher System”, 20 – 25 July 2015, conducted by MIT, MANIPAL
  2. “Transforming from a Responsible Manager to a Successful Entrepreneur”, 12-24 Dec 2016. Conducted by SMVITM, Bantakal.
  3. “Recent Trends in Multimedia Computing and Security”, 18-20 Jan 2017, Conducted by NMAMIT, Nitte.
  4. “Research Methodology and Enhancing Teaching Methodologies”, 11-15, December 2017, Conducted bySMVITM, Bantakal.
  5. “Leadership Empowerment and Development”, 24, Jan 2018, SMVITM, Bantakal
  6. “Embedded Systems for Communication Applications”, 19-23 June 2018, Conducted by NMAMIT, Nitte
  7. “Class Room Teaching Skills”, Feb 2018. Conducted by SMVITM, Bantakal.
  8. “Entrepreneurship”, 03-15 Dec 2019 Conducted by MUTBI, Manipal
  9. “Teaching And Learning in General Programs: TALG”, NPTEL, Course, IIT Madras, 3 days FDP
  10. “Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice”, NPTEL, IIT Madras 3 days
  11. “VLSI chip design &verification using Mentor graphics EDA tool”, 22-23 July 2019Conducted by SMVITM, Bantakal
  12. “Contemporary tools and techniques for teachers and researchers in higher education: Experience of using Virtual Classrooms”, 09, May 2020, Conducted by Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore
  13. “Design, Analysis, and application of Power Electronic Converters”, 11-15 May 2020, Conducted by BMSCE, Bangalore
  14. “Machine Learning using Python”, 25-29, May 2020. Conducted by REVA University, Bengaluru
  15. “Empowering Teaching skills”, 27-31, January 2020, Conducted by SMVITM, Bantakal
  16. “Explore Google form”, 10 June 2020, Conducted by SMVITM, Bantakal
  17. “Basics of strategic Management- its relevance in the present situation”, 13 June to 19-Sep, 2020, SMVITM, Bantakal
  18. “Insights on Writing Research Proposals and Funding Opportunities”, 20-24 July 2020. Conducted by Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore
  19. “Worksop on LATEX”, 01-06 July 2020. Conducted by SMVITM, Bantakal
  20. “Cyber Security”, 09-13, November 2020. Conducted by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy.
  21. “Innovation Ambassador training (Advanced Level)”, 30th June – 30th July 2021, Conducted by MoE’s Innovation Cell.
  22. “Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence”, 13/09/2021 to 17/09/2021, Conducted by College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur under AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy.
  23. “OBE and Engineering Education Research”, 25 September to 07 October 2021. Conducted by Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal, Udupi.
  24. “Electric Vehicle and Smart Grid”, 14h to 18th, March 2022, Conducted by Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal, Udupi.
  25. “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications”, 13-17 March 2023, Organized by, VTU Centre for PG studies, VIAT, Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur.
Mail ID: arun_upadhyaya.ec@sode-edu.in
Ph: 9686323734

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