Year Agency Title Name of The Guide Student 1/ Team Leader Sanctioned Amount (Rs.) Permission Letter 2020-21 TEQIP Competitive research Grant A Novel approach for efficient text and documents...
Year Agency Title Name of The Guide Student 1/ Team Leader Sanctioned Amount (Rs.) Permission Letter 2020-21 Karnataka State Council For science &Technology (KSCST) COVISCAN Mr. Manjunatha A....
Year Agency Title Name of The Guide Student 1/ Team Leader Sanctioned Amount (Rs.) Permission Letter 2020-21 Karnataka State Council For science &Technology (KSCST) Maintenance strategies for Rural roads...
S.No. Year Funding Agency Title of the Project Principal Investigator Student 1/ Team Leader Grant Received Permission Letter 1 2020-21 Karnataka Council for Technological Upgradation, Bengaluru. FABRICATION OF BIODEGRADABLE LEAF...