To inculcate the entrepreneurial culture into their minds. To organize Entrepreneurship Motivation Programs Skill development programs (SDP) Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EAC) Entrepreneurship Development Programs (EDP) Faculty Development programs (FDP) Competitions...
ECO Club enables the students to be sensitive towards environmental concern to tackle environmental problems with the following objectives To spread awareness about environmental pollution and to reduce pollution in...
Responsibilities: Coordination and promotion of all technical and other co-curricular activities. Conduction of various technical competitions and project exhibition in the institution. Encouraging and facilitating the students to take...
To act as an institutional mechanism for providing various services including information to budding student entrepreneurs. To create Entrepreneurial culture in the Parent Institution to promote the objectives of NSTEDB,...
Encouraging students to keep environment clean. Sensitize the students to minimize the use of polluting products. To motivate students to work in an environment friendly manner To make students understand...
To plan and execute program for community services every year in rural areas To create awareness among the students about their responsibility towards community service To develop the projects having...
Entrepreneurship Development Cell Members AY 2021-22 Sr. No. Name of Member Department Key Role/ Position assigned in IIC 1 Mr. Arun Upadhyaya Asst. Professor (Sr) Electronics and Communication Engineering Coordinator...
Coordinator: Ms. Deepika, Assistant Professor (Sr.), Dept. of Civil Engineering. Members: Ms. Ramya Shetty, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering. Ms. Sowmya Bhat, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics &...
Committee Coordinator: Mr. Arun Upadhyaya S. No Activity description Tentative date Resource person with contact details Target audience Estimated Expenditure 1 National Innovation Day 18/10/2021 Interested Students/Faculties 2000 2...
SL. No. Activity description Tentative date Resource person with contact details Target audience Estimated Expenditure 1 Swach Bharath Abhiyan Street cleaning 29-09-2018 SMVITM staff and students – Rs.1000 2 Talk...
The Parent-Teacher Association has a prominent role in aiding smooth functioning of the college. All parents/guardians of the students on the roles of the college are members of the association....