Human rights cell came in to existence in our college during the academic year 2014-2015.The cell aims at creating awareness about human rights among the faculties, staffs and students. It...
To educate and create greater awareness of human rights. To study and examine cases of human rights in and around the campus. To create a network with other organizations for...
To foster a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and rights of each individual. To prevent, report and discourage discrimination and harassment by others. To uplift the...
Coordinator Mr. Shrinivasa, Assistant Professor (Sr.), Assistant Professor, Computer science & Engineering. Members Mr. Pavan Kumar, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Sandesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering. Mr....
S. No. Activity description Tentative date Resource person with contact details Target audience Strategic Plan Estimated Expenditure (In rupees) 1 Independence day celebration 15-08-2018 To be identified. Staff and Students...