Students of Our college are participated in the VTU Mangalore Zone Inter-Collegiate Table Tennis Tournament 2015-16(M&W) held at Shree Devi Institute of Technology, Mangalore from 07 September 2015 to 08 September 2015, have won the medals/prizes, as listed below:
Sl. No. | Name of the Student | USN | SEM | Branch | Medal/ Prize |
1. | Diraj | 4MW12ME035 | 7 | ME | 1st Prize (Winners Trophy) |
2. | Nandan Prabhu | 4MW12ME050 | 7 | ME | |
3. | K Nitin Bhat | 4MW12EC024 | 7 | EC | |
4. | Parithosh | 4MW13EC051 | 5 | EC | |
5. | Arjun Acharya P | 4MW14EC013 | 3 | EC | |
6. | Nishmitha Y R | 4MW13CS057 | 5 | CS | 3rd Prize |
7. | Imraz | 4MW13CS035 | 5 | CS | |
8. | Audry Jenita Barboza | 4MW14EC018 | 3 | EC |
Hearty congratulations to all the prize winners and participants.
The Institution is proud of their remarkable achievement. We wish them every success in their future participations and attempts.