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Peer Learning Session on “Placement Opportunities in Core Companies and Project Ideation”

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with ISTE Student Chapter and Placement Cell had organized a Peer Learning Session on 06-12-204 at 11:00 a.m in Admin Block Seminar Hall for Pre-Final Year ECE students. The Final Year Students from the ECE Department were the resource persons. Mr. Dhanush Kumar started his talk by sharing the experience about his placement drives at Juego Studios and Cadence. He explained in detail about the different rounds of interview process. And at the end, he briefed about his project “Protobells” which is an automatic bell system with the help of the 3D model. The session was continued by Mr. Shashank G who is placed in Mirafra Technologies. He and Mr. Harshith Acharya shared their experiences about the drive and different rounds of interview process.

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