Department of Mechanical Engineering
date_rangeDate: 08/03/2018
access_timeTime: 1.00 PM - 4:00 PM
location_onVenue: Mechanical Workshop
Event Name

Turn It

(Machining operation using lathe)


Student Coordinator

Akshay Kammar
(+91 80501 43901)

Faculty Coordinator

Pavan Kumar
(+91 94497 00900)

Event details:

    • Paricipants should bring their own safety equipment’s like goggles, aprons and gloves compulsorily it will not be provided by the organizers.
    • Individual event.
    • Students must be present at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the competition.
    • Participants must complete the model within the given time.
    • Necessary equipment’s and the tools will be provided by the college.
    • Judgement will be on the basis of dimensional accuracy, surface finish and time of completion.
    • Judges decision will be final.
    • Selection will be based on first come first serve basis.