date_rangeDate: 08/03/2018
access_timeTime: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
location_onVenue: Near Library Block
Event Name

Bots On Lanes

(Robo race)


Student Coordinator

Kishore Poojary
(+91 88843 83249)

Faculty Coordinator

(+91 98449 90322)

Event details:


To make a manually controlled machine that completes an obstacle track in minimum possible time.

    • Track will have maximum width of 30 cms.
    • The hurdles present in the track may be in the form of
                 • Sand and gravel.
               • Oils and greases.
               • Bridges and inclines surfaces.
               • Crystal balls and cotton wood and iron pallets etc.
    • Machine must fit into a box of dimension 25x25 cm (lxb).
    • Maximum voltage supply at any case must not exceed 24 volts dc.
    • The organizers will provide a standard 230 volts 50 Hz A.C power supply. Any other extension cords, adapters, eliminators etc must be arranged by the participants themselves.
    • The maximum weight of the bot allowed is 5kg.
    • The race will be conducted on timing criterion i.e the team to complete the whole track in the minimum possible time will be the winner.
    • The time measured by the organisers will be final and will be used for scoring the teams.The time measured by any contestant by any other means is not acceptable for scoring.
    •The team can consist of maximum of 4 participants.
    • In case of any disputes, the organiser’s decision will be final.
    • Any team not ready at the time specified will be disqualified from the competition automatically.
    • Judges decision will be final and will binding on all, no arguments will be entertained.
    • Wired, wireless control is allowed.
    • The Robo car must not be made up of Ready made Kits, lego parts etc.
    • Robo should not be touched in middle of race.
    • Any damage to arena will lead to penalty or disqualification.